Bob found a letter in his pocket. A little letter that more or less said something like, "Meet me at my apartment. There is something for you.". So there he was at her house seemingly alone, in her room sitting at a table that was standing in the center of her room under a piece of lace fabric used as a rug.
He took a seat. A complimentary mix of bewilderment and intrigue.
Dree has set the table with four plates at each end of the table. One big plate with a 70's orange daisy painted on it. A tiny plate to the left of each big plate, miscellaneous in color and style. Placed atop the plate are fake pieces of plastic food.
A hot dog.
A cheeseburger.
A strawberry.
A piece of steak.
The center piece is a huge yellow tinted glass cake holder. The holder is filled with little pieces of papers with jotted down ideas and scenarios they've written to each other over the years.
Bob is sitting at the table, hesitant as to whether or not he should step on the lace fabric. He sees the fake food in front of him and picks up the plastic piece of steak and kind of does one of those shrug and laugh things that indicate confusion. He notices a note taped to the bottom that says, "For when you feel like lying". Still confused he grabs the plastic strawberry, turns it around and sees, "For when you're asleep". The cheeseburger, "For when your eyes are worried". The hot dog, "For when you start looking old".
At this point he was doing one of those laughing and smiling ear to ear things that indicate elation.
Dree appeared at her door when she heard him laughing. They both smiled to each other.
Dree standing at the doorway.
Bob sitting at the table.
She sat on his lap sideways, with her arm around his neck. He kissed her cheek, still smiling and said something that was drowned out by the record player all the while leaning over to unveil their paper cake.
"You first."